Dr. Lyn Marie De Juan - Corpuz: A woman with a passion for science and love for her family
“Imagination is the lightest form of research”, as told by Albert Einstein. It started first with a mind having a consistency of curiosity towards a significant subject and then later on knowledge lengthened within a span of time. With every thought turns to an expansion of greater ideas and the drive to make it outside the box, that is when Dr. Lyn Marie De Juan - Corpuz started her career.
A young, kind, and talented scientist, Dr. Lyn Marie DJ - Corpuz serves as an enthusiastic member of the scientific community. Born on August 30, 1987, she became the youngest offspring of the De Juan family. A progeny of Mr. Ramon and Mrs. Isabelita De Juan, Dr. Corpuz was raised to be a fine woman with a caliber mind for science. Growing in an advanced time as a resident of the “Northern Gateway of Metropolitan Manila” known as Valenzuela City she was attached, became in depth with science and that gives her the call she has been waiting for.
An alumnus of the University of the Philippines wherein she procured her MS in Materials Science Engineering while being merited as a scholar of the country’s best scholarship program the DOST - Engineering Research for Development and Technology (ERDT), she realized her full potential as a researcher. Her MS thesis entitled “Electrophoretic Deposited Superhydrophobic Surface” supervised by Prof. Alberto Amorsolo was one of her openings for the love of research.
Her affection for the historical University of Santo Tomas is beyond any brand of gold for the place marks where she obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering. For a lucky call, she was appointed as one of the honorable faculty members of the Department of Engineering, College of Engineering.
Her thriving baccalaureate years also lays her the inspiration to dream of being one of the resident researchers of the Research Center for Natural and Applied Sciences (RCNAS), which eventually after she returned from her Postdoctoral Fellowship at Chulalongkorn University under Ratchadapisek Somphot Scholarship for her research on rechargeable Zinc - ion battery, she has come to face and live her longtime vision.
Back in September 2018, her stay in the winter capital of Japan proves how a woman of science overcomes challenges and hurdles amidst trying moments. Dr. Corpuz concluded her Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering at Hokkaido University, Japan by polishing it in three annum under the superintendence of Prof. Tetsu Yonezawa. The duration of her international years has been accounted for with financial support from the distinct Japanese Government via MEXT Top Global Universities and MEXT Honor Scholarships. She triumphantly defended her dissertation with flying colors entitled “1 - D Nanomaterials as Anode Material for Li-ion Battery”. She also published sequential international research on Vanadium Oxide and Tin nanowires as potential electrode materials for Li-ion and Na - ion batteries. Over those years, she became a wife, a mother to a wonderful child, and a full pledge Ph.D. She must admit that her journey is much as a complex one but has given her overflowing felicity. Her rapport and guidance from Prof. Yonezawa have opened her to vast opportunities in inclining herself more as a researcher, given her so much exploration of the nanomaterials world and boosted her esteem such as her interpersonal skills in conquering the halls in the international research arena.
As time keeps on running by, Dr. Lyn Marie DJ - Corpuz joint by her husband Dr. Ryan D. Corpuz established Nanolabs LRC Co. Ltd., a research and start-up company that aims to provide nano solution in electrochemical energy storage, biochemical and environmental challenges. The start-up company is the pioneering organization that offers the development of rechargeable Zinc - ion battery as an eco - friendly, sustainable, and safe electrochemical energy storage material here in the Philippines. As it soon blooms they have won several honors and awards which they bagged either locally or internationally. These are Grand Winner at the Tech Plan Demo Day in the Philippines 2019, Best Poster at the Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference in the Philippines 2019, ACSL Award at the Tech Plan Demo Day in Singapore 2019, Delightex Award at the Tech Plan Demo Day in the Philippines 2019, Excellent Project Award at the OTEC “Belt and Road” Kunming Final Competition 2019, 2nd Prize Winner at Investible OTEC in the Philippines 2019, National Finalist for New Comer Category at Philippine Rice Bowl 2019, National Finalist for Falling Wall Lab in the Philippines and 2nd Prize Winner for Global Techstar Startup Weekend 2020.
Up - to - date, Dr. Lyn Marie DJ - Corpuz serves as a compatriot for the National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP) and runs as a review editor in Frontiers Energy Research. Her skills paved her way for a granted international patent for Na - ion and four pending patent applications for her innovation on Zinc - ion battery. She is constantly communicating her work here in the Philippines and abroad, have been able to published numerous paper researches for her study on Li-ion, Na - ion, and Zn - ion batteries in high impact journals such as Energies, Scientific Report, ACS Applied Nanomaterials, Inorganic Chemical Frontiers, Journal of Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineering and Crystal Growth and Design.
As she deems that children are the effulgent future of the scientific community in the Philippines she told that “Children’s curiosity should be nurtured based on sound scientific principles and methods while they are still young and be mentored by inspiring scientists with a heart not only for research but most importantly for humanity and the common good”. With an optimistic outlook for the future, Dr. Corpuz wants to perdure her research and also scout aspiring researchers' for the propitious economy hereafter.
Given such grace of intelligence, a woman who wholeheartedly offers her life to her family and to the community is such a blessing to humanity. Dr. Lyn Marie De Juan - Corpuz is the validation of a person with dexterity and wit. As she is constantly building blocks for the future of the scientific community - let us cheer for the woman with a passion for science and love for her family.