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Television appearance of Nanolabs founders in Sustainability PH inspires sustainability advocates

Television appearance of Nanolabs founders in Sustainability PH inspires sustainability advocates

By Carlo Jay C. Corpuz

10:00 PM December 19, 2020

Philippines - The minds behind the development of rechargeable Zinc Ion battery goes live as guests in SustainablePH TV aired on December 16, 2020, 8:00 PM. The founders of Nanolabs LRC Co. Ltd., Dr. Ryan, and Dr. Lyn Corpuz, spark inspiration to sustainability enthusiast advocates.

Last Wednesday inspires young sustainability advocates as a live telecast with Sustainability PH welcomes Filipino Scientists in the Global Arena. As scientists shared their stories, insights, and goals, live watchers became inspired by the words left in the forum.

Sustainability PH is a Christian, non-profit volunteer organization that serves as a community for sustainability champions who advocate for a Sustainable Philippines, anchored on biblical principles of stewardship. They are a community of volunteers that believe in a Sustainable PH.

The lively hosts of the event, Ma'am Kathy and Sir Karlo filled the conversation with a smooth atmosphere. They also explained many things that had left people-watching in a state of felicity.

"Lucis means light. In this channel, we wanna share information to instill influence." as told by Kathy.

Karlo also left his remarks telling the watchers what changes should be seen in the community to make it sustainable.

"Colonial mentality is not sustainable. We should change it." added Karlo.

Nanolabs founders Dr. Ryan and Dr. Lyn Corpuz, being one of those Filipino scientists that excel in the global arena, had a fun time sharing their thoughts. The couple-scientists answered the questions about their journey, invention, and the highlights of their experiences.

"To young scientists out there, do not hide your gifts. We're just passing shadows in his life. Go with your face shields and masks on and let us work together..." remarks given by Dr. Ryan to aspiring scientists.

Their worthwhile time was regarded with much appreciation by the hosts of the event. Kathy and Karlo expressed their heartfelt thanks to Nanolabs founders as they became the inspiration to all people. The two guests also made points before the conclusion of their conversation. They gave a message to sustainability advocates on what they should practice in believing.

"We are all in this together. We have to support each other on this common goal." Words by Dr. Ryan to the sustainability advocates.

The one-hour broadcast kept the people watching entertained with the words by the guests of the TV show. It then comes to an end by the messages of the Nanolabs LRC Co. Ltd. founders.

"By helping each other, we can achieve what we are visioning for." The message by Dr. Lyn to the sustainability advocates.

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